Case by case ケースバイケース






5人乗り満員の車で、話しながら真っ直ぐな道を進んで帰っていた所、突然、助手席に座っていた人が「Hirvi! Hirvi! (ヘラ鹿!ヘラ鹿!)」と叫ぶ。

ん!?と前を向いて、(自分は運転席の真後ろに居たので) 何か黒っぽいものと角の様なものが運転していた人の頭の影から少し見えたかな、と思ったのが早いかどうか、車は急ブレーキ&右に横揺れみたいにハンドルをきって、一瞬ジェットコースター状態。












Last week, when i went to a visitors' centre at a nuclear power site in Finland with friends and E.


(This is the nuclear power site. The white building at the back is under construction)

The car was full with 5 people talking to each other, driving on a straight road, suddenly, one who was sitting next to the driver shoted 'Hirvi! Hirvi! (Moose! Moose!)'

The moment i looked front and, as i was sitting right behind the driver, saw a bit of horns coming out from the head of the driver, the car suddenly braking and swung to the right like a switchback.


We just avoided an accient.
The car stopped for a little while. Everybody (well, maybe not the some for the driver) was in silence for a little while to catch up with what just happended.   

The car which was running after us had stopped as well.


It was just before the hunting season for moose to be open and there were always some accidents that could kill people. If we couldn't avoid the moose and hit him or her, that could have been one of those fatal accident.  

As i didn't know anything like that, i was mostly feeling pity i was the only one who couldn't see the moose in that moment.

It was supposed to be a big moose which the rest of people were saying ¨It was incredible. It was huge.¨, ¨I've never seen a moose that close.¨


There is an iron rule that 'when a moose or rain dear runs into your way, handle the car to the butt.' 
In our case, the moose was walking slowly and the driver instinctively took the car to the right aslthough the moose appeared from the left, which avoided the accident and saved our lives.

So, at the end of the day, the iron rule for life is 'case by case'?